> Tech > LISTING : Bulk-users.vbs

LISTING : Bulk-users.vbs

Tech - Par Renaud ROSSET - Publié le 24 juin 2010

‘ Part 1: Use ADO to open the Excel spreadsheet.
Dim oCN
Set oCN = CreateObject("ADODB.Connection")
oCN.Open "Excel"
Dim oRS
Set oRS = oCN.Execute("SELECT * FROM [Sheet1$]")

‘ Part 2: Use ADSI to obtain a reference to the NT domain.
Dim oDomain
Dim sPDC
Set oDomain =

LISTING : Bulk-users.vbs

GetObject(« WinNT:// » & sPDC)

‘ Part 3: Open an output text file to store users initial passwords.
Dim oFSO, oTS
Set oFSO = CreateObject(« Scripting.FileSystemObject »)
Set oTS = oFSO.CreateTextFile(« C:\passwords.txt »,True)

‘ Part 4: For each record in the record set, add the user, set the correct user
‘ properties, and add the user to the appropriate groups.
‘ Create the necessary variables.
Dim sUserID, sFullName, sDescription
Dim sHomeDir, sGroups, sDialIn
Dim sPassword, oUserAcct, oFolder
Dim sGroupList, iTemp, oGroup
‘ Define the base path in which to create the home directories.
Dim sHomePath, sMsg
sHomePath = « \\iridis1\c$\users\ »
‘ Go through the record set one row at a time.
Do Until oRS.EOF
‘ Get the user information from this row.
sUserID = oRS(« UserID »)
sFullName = oRS(« FullName »)
sDescription = oRS(« Description »)
sHomeDir = oRS(« HomeDirectory »)
sGroups = oRS(« Groups »)
sDialIn = oRS(« DialIn »)
‘ Make up a new password.
sPassword = Left(sUserID,2) & DatePart(« n »,Time) _
& DatePart(« y »,Date) & DatePart(« s »,Time)
‘ Create the user account.
On Error Resume Next
Set oUserAcct = oDomain.Create(« user »,sUserID)
If Err <> 0 Then
sMsg = « An error occurred creating user  » _
& sUserID & vbCrLf & vbCrLf
sMsg = sMsg & « The error is:  » & Err.Description
MsgBox sMsg
End If
On Error Goto 0
‘ Set account properties.
oUserAcct.SetPassword sPassword
oUserAcct.FullName = sFullName
oUserAcct.Description = sDescription
oUserAcct.HomeDirectory = sHomeDir
‘ Set RAS permission.
If sDialIn = « Y » Then
oUserAcct.RasPermissions = 9
oUserAcct.RasPermissions = 1
End If
‘ Save the account.
‘ Get a reference to the new account.
‘ This step provides a valid SID and other information.
Set oUserAcct = GetObject(« WinNT:// » & sPDC & « / » & sUserID & « ,user »)
‘ Write the password to a file.
oTS.Write sUserID & « , » & sPassword & vbCrLf

‘ Part 4A: Add the user account to groups.
‘ Use the Split function to turn the comma-separated list into an array.
sGroupList = Split(sGroups, « , »)
‘ Go through the array and add the user to each group.
For iTemp = 0 To uBound(sGroupList)
‘ Get the group.
Set oGroup = GetObject(« WinNT:// » & sPDC & « / » & sGroupList(iTemp) _
& « ,group »)
‘ Add the user account.
oGroup.Add oUserAcct.ADsPath
‘ Release the group.
Set oGroup = Nothing

‘ Part 4B: Create the user s home directory.
‘ (Append the UserID to the Home Path variable).
Set oFolder = oFSO.CreateFolder(sHomePath & sUserID)

‘ Part 5: Release the user account.
Set oUserAcct = Nothing
‘ Move to the next row in the record set.

‘ Part 6: Final clean up and close down.
WScript.Echo « Passwords have been written  » & « to C:\passwords.txt. »

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Tech - Par Renaud ROSSET - Publié le 24 juin 2010