> Tech > Figures 1, 2, 3 & 4

Figures 1, 2, 3 & 4

Tech - Par Renaud ROSSET - Publié le 24 juin 2010

Figure 1 : Transfert FTP d'iSeries à  iSeries en maintenant les formats numériques

ftp> Bin
(Set Transfer Type to TYPE I (Binary))
ftp> NA à˜
(Switch Name Format to à˜ on your iSeries)
ftp> quote crts file(qtemp/myddssrc) TEXT('Temp DDS Source file')
(Create a Source Physical File)
ftp> put myddslib/myddssrc.myfilesrc

(Transfer the DDS File. Note that the Source file must be created first or the member will not
transfer correctly.)
ftp> quote crtpf file(rmtlib/rmtfile) srcfile(qtemp/myddssrc) +
srcmbr(myfilesrc) size(*nomax)
(Create the File from the DDS)
ftp> put mylib/myfile rmtlib/rmtfile
(Send the File)
ftp> quit
(End the FTP Session)
It may be necessary to use EBCDIC, in which case you would replace the BIN command with:
ftp> ebcdic
(Set Transfer Type to TYPE E (EBCDIC))
ftp> mo b
(Set Transfer Mode to Block.)ftp> Bin
(Set Transfer Type to TYPE I (Binary))
ftp> NA à˜
(Switch Name Format to à˜ on your iSeries)
ftp> quote crts file(qtemp/myddssrc) TEXT(‘Temp DDS Source file’)
(Create a Source Physical File)
ftp> put myddslib/myddssrc.myfilesrc qtemp/myddssrc.myfilesrc
(Transfer the DDS File. Note that the Source file must be created first or the member will not
transfer correctly.)
ftp> quote crtpf file(rmtlib/rmtfile) srcfile(qtemp/myddssrc) +
srcmbr(myfilesrc) size(*nomax)
(Create the File from the DDS)
ftp> put mylib/myfile rmtlib/rmtfile
(Send the File)
ftp> quit
(End the FTP Session)
It may be necessary to use EBCDIC, in which case you would replace the BIN command with:
ftp> ebcdic
(Set Transfer Type to TYPE E (EBCDIC))
ftp> mo b
(Set Transfer Mode to Block.)

Figure 2 : Script FTP pour transférer un fichier Save d’un iSeries sur
un autre

ftp> bin
(Set Transfer Type to TYPE I (Binary))
ftp> NA à˜
(Switch Name Format to à˜)
ftp> quote rcmd crtsavf myrmtlib/mysavf
(Create Save File on the remote iSeries)
ftp> put mylib/mysavf myrmtlib/mysavf
(Send the save file)
ftp> quit
(End FTP Session)

Figure 3 : Un transfert d'iSeries à  iSeries en utilisant la sous-commande
NA 1

ftp> bin
(Set Transfer Type to TYPE I (Binary))
ftp> NA 1
(Switch Name Format to 1)
ftp> put /qsys.lib/mylib.lib/mysavf.savf /qsys.lib/myrmtlib.lib/mysavf.savf
(Send the save file)
ftp> quit
(End FTP Session)

Figure 4 : Un transfert de PC à  iSeries en utilisant la sous-commande
NA 1

ftp> bin
(Set Transfer Type to TYPE I (Binary))
ftp> NA 1
(Switch Name Format to 1)
ftp> put /qsys.lib/mylib.lib/mysavf.savf /qsys.lib/myrmtlib.lib/mysavf.savf
(Send the save file)
ftp> quit
(End FTP Session)

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Tech - Par Renaud ROSSET - Publié le 24 juin 2010